LET'S TALK: 518-286-0081
Point of Sale Providers
Table & Quick Service Restaurants / Bars & Night Clubs / Hotels / Cafeterias / Cafes
The POS System!
System Support
Merchant Data Solutions offers extensive and detailed services and products to work with your POS system. Here's a PARTIAL List:
Which software? Which hardware?
(terminals, tablets or both?)
Let us show you some options
to ensure your system will
do what you really need.
Will your dealer (and product) be there for you next week? What type of support will you and your staff require. How much IS that support?
Merchant Data offers various plans up to 24/7 support .
You, your staff, your future staff... Will training be available? How much, how long, how often? We have multiple on-site and remote options!
Gift Cards
How much to process Gift Cards?
Who can I process with? Are they safe and secure? Can you and your customers see their outstanding balances?
We can answer your questions.
On-Line Reservations
Table management with customer history. A POWERFUL tool to manage your customers and table turns.
Loyalty Programs
Lots of choices, lots of options. From card carrying customers to smart phone apps... We can offer you many products and advise on which may work best for you!
Delivery / Take Out
Streamlined delivery and take out. Customer name and address printed on the guest check and prep ticket, multiple phone numbers for one account and remembers their last order.
On Line Ordering
Tap this under utilized market. It works better than you think. How fast does your busy employee RUSH your customer off the phone? Reduce your hang ups due to "hold times."
On line customers spend more.
More Features
Barcode readers for retail items.
Barcode labels for YOUR items.
Pole displays at cashier terminals.
KIOSKS for customer orders.
Pay at table solutions.